The new site of XSeen has been released. This is the hub for all material related to XSeen. Please feel free to contribute to the project. Future posts will describe the direction of the project from large scale design to specific tasks that are needed. If you use XSeen for any development, please let me know so I can promote the results.
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Using the src attribute on the scene tag, XSeen will load the specified file from the URL into the XSeen display. It […]
The upgraded background tag supports a variety of background types, including a single flat color (previously skycolor), image cube (previously srcfront, srcback, […]
XSeen V0.7 release candidate 1 (RC1) is now available on GitHub. This release was motivated by a need for better environment handling […]
A triangles tag is used to specify triangle geometry. At this time only indexed triangle sets can be specified, through other types […]