
The animate tag performs key-frame animation of any animatable attribute. The attribute to be animated must be an attribute of the direct parent of the animate tag. Multiple keys are specified with the key tag. This tag sets the animation parameters for the entire animation sequence. Child key tags may override some of the parameters for that segment of animation.

  • attribute – This is the name of the immediate parent’s attribute to be animated. If this attribute cannot be animated, then nothing happens. The value is case insensitive, and there is no default.
  • to – This is the target or destination value of the animation. XSeen will animate the attribute from it’s current value to the value in ‘to’. The data in this value must be compatible with the data type specified for the animated attribute. There is no default.
  • delay – The time in seconds to delay the beginning of animation. The default is 0.0.
  • duration – The time in seconds for the entire animation to run. This includes all animations specified in children key tags. If this is <= 0, then the total animation duration is determined from the sum of the durations of the individual children.
  • repeat – The number of times this animation should repeat. XSeen counts down from this number and stops when it gets to 0. The animation never stops if this value is negative.
  • interpolator – The type of interpolator to use. Each interpolator is linear in it’s space and the name signifies the space. XSeen can usually determine the proper type of interpolator based on the data type of the attributed being animation. These values are case insensitive. Legal values are:
    position – Linear interpolator in vector space.
    rotation – Linear interpolator in angular space.
    color – Linear interpolator in HSL space
  • easing – This attribute specifies which end of the animation is to be eased. These values are case insensitive. Legal values are:
    <none> – No easing. This is the default.
    in – Ease the results going to the destination.
    out – Ease the results leaving the starting point.
    inout – Ease the results leaving the starting point and going to the destination.
  • easingtype – The type of easing that should be applied. These values are case insensitive. XSeen uses the TWEEN library for computations. The TWEEN graphs on GitHub illustrate the results for various values of ‘eaasing’ and ‘easingtype’. Legal values are:
    linear – Default method.
    quadratic – x^2 method.
    sinusoidal – sin(x) method.
    exponential – exp(x) method
    elastic – “rubber-band” type method
    bounce – “bouncy ball” type method
  • yoyo – A boolean value to indicate if the animation should reverse when it reaches the to value.