A new version of XSeen has been released. The two primary features for this version are:
- enhanced support for AR using your mobile device camera
- support for ‘xr-‘ prefix in addition to ‘x-‘ for all nodes
In addition to the primary features several secondary features were added including
- enhanced events and event handling
- support for cubemaps are resources
- improved splash screen display
- new XSeen control attrbutes on x-scene tag.
- moving documentation to GitHub
The complete list of changes are at https://github.com/DrX3D/XSeen/blob/master/Documentation/ReleaseNotes-V.8.md
This release allows XSeen to function as a full-suite XR platform for all desktop/laptop and Android devices. Apple has made a choice to limit non-Safari browser access to the camera and limits Safari access to WebGL. This makes iPhones and iPads unsuitable as AR devices when using a browser. This will be addressed in a future post.
XSeen V0.8 is preparing for a V1.0 release. V1.0 will use web components for all tags. In that version the tag prefix will be ‘xr-‘ to best describe XSeen’s purpose. For V0.8 the ‘xr-‘ prefix is supported for all tags. The parser recognizes both ‘xr-‘ and ‘x-‘. This will also be true for V0.9. V1.0 will deprecate the use of ‘x-‘ prefix. All ‘x-‘ tags will be converted to ‘xr-‘. This will require an extra parsing step. Make the effort now to convert your code.
Museum background: ©2011, Masakazu Matsumoto. Details
Turbine model: ©2018, blenderbirb. Details